Page 226 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 226

PioneeRs in GRiGnaRd cheMistRy since 1978 / 1200Mt installed capacity
        Acid Chlorides:      Acid Anhydrides:      Grignard Reagents:         READY STOCK
          Decanoyl Chloride     Propionic Anhydride     Methyl Magnesium Chloride/Bromide
          Undecanoyl Chloride     Hexanoic Anhydride     Phenyl Magnesium Chloride/Bromide  ss 316 l
                                                    Tert - Butyl Magnesium Chloride
          Isovaleryl Chloride     Heptanoic Anhyride     Ethyl Magnesium Bromide
          2-Furoyl Chloride     Isobutyric Anhydride     Isopropyl Magnesium Chloride
                                                    2M in THF
          Pyrophosphoryl Chloride    N-Butyric Anhydride     Isopropyl Magnesium    reacTOr
          Hexanoyl Chloride     Valeric Anhydride      Chloride 1.3 M in THF (LiCL complex)
          N-Butyryl Chloride    Intermediates     Personal care:
                                                    Novaguard EHG (Ethylhexyl Glycerine)
          Isobutyryl Chloride     5-Ethylpyridine-2-Ethanol    Novaguard PE (Phenoxy ethanol)  15 Kl &
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          Octanoyl Chloride     Isosorbide        Novaguard HG (1,2-Hexanediol)
                                                    Novaguard DMI (Dimethyl Isosorbide)
          Heptanoyl Chloride     1-Piperidine-1-Cyclohexene    Novaguard PG (1,2-Petanediol)  6 Kl
                   NOVAPHENE SPECIALITIES PVT LTD                                  Please Contact:
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                        Factory: Unit 1: E-107 MIDC Tarapur, Boisar, District Palghar, Maharashtra - 401 506. INDIA  Email:
                              Unit 2: N-27 MIDC Tarapur, Boisar, District Palghar, Maharashtra - 401 506. INDIA  Mobile: 9819193438 / 00
       Tel: +91-7410092952 / 7249317534         w         Email:         w         Web:

                                        SUPPLIERS OF
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                    vetted to ensure reliability and performance.                Sitapur, UP. Mob.: 09322661064
                                                                             Email: /
            The equipments come from leading manufactures like Agilent,
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           Despite their preowned status, these machines promises accuracy,   LIQ. AMMONIA SOLUTION - LR, AR, COM. GRAde
                                                                                   FORMALDEHYDE 37%
                 speed, automation and advance data management.                   CAUSTIC SODA LYE 48%
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                                                                               Call: 9821056865, 9821087058, 9152805086
                          Email:                             Mail:
       226                                                                 Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024

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