Page 213 - CW E-Magazine (24-12-2024)
P. 213

Materials Exported

       Product         Qty  FOB Value FOB Price   Product   Qty  FOB Value FOB Price   Product   Qty  FOB Value FOB Price
                    [Tonnes]   [Rs. mn]  [Rs./kg]      [Tonnes]   [Rs. mn]  [Rs./kg]      [Tonnes]   [Rs. mn]  [Rs./kg]
       Spain         4.00   10.82   2,705  Methacrylic acid               Methoxyacetophenone, 4-
       Turkey        2.95    8.82   2,989  Bangladesh   2.34   0.62   265  China        64.00   21.73   339
       Italy         2.40    6.56   2,733  Nepal       0.39    0.10   246  Mexico       32.00   10.31   322
       Lebanon       1.85    3.48   1,880                                 Spain         16.56    5.88   355
                                         Methacryloyloxyethyl) ethylene urea, N-(2-      USA   0.45   0.23   519
       Metanilic acid                    Bangladesh    1.20    1.37   1,139
       Netherlands   37.60   7.05   188                                   Methoxylamine HCl
       Indonesia    20.52    3.49   176  Methanedisulphonic acid disodium salt      Austria   90.00   34.25   381
       China        16.46    2.59   157  Canada        1.00    1.16   1,159
       Taiwan        5.00    0.98   195  South Korea   0.50    0.79   1,572  Methoxymethyl)pyridine-2,3-dicarboxylic acid, 5-(
                                                                          USA           80.00   348.92   4,362
       Metazolone                        Methanedisulphonic acid potassium salt
       Iraq         24.00    1.56    65  Brazil        0.50    0.83   1,661  Methoxyphenothiazine, 2-
       Nepal         5.00    0.21    43    Methanesulphonic acid          Hungary        5.00   31.35   6,270
                                         Singapore     3.00    3.73   1,242
       Metformin HCl                     Canada        0.48    0.60   1,242  Methoxyphenylacetic acid, 4-
       Brazil       338.00   84.46   250  Nepal        0.22    0.08   371  China         3.00    2.86   952
       Mexico       240.00   67.66   285
       Germany      226.00   88.96   392  Methanol                        Methoxyphenylacetonitrile, 4-
       Turkey       159.81   59.49   385  Singapore   1,445.63   36.11   25  USA        16.00   14.18   886
       Bangladesh   143.25   34.60   255  Sri Lanka   842.61   23.65   29
       Switzerland   142.40   81.03   573  UAE        717.01   20.54   29  Methoxypropylamine, 3-
       Thailand     139.00   34.02   239  Bangladesh   429.01   13.48   32  USA         68.00   14.48   213
       Pakistan     102.25   21.79   216  Nepal       185.69   5.42   29  Egypt         40.80    8.58   210
       Morocco      87.00   39.34   468                                   Malaysia      13.60    3.13   230
       South Korea   73.60   33.64   493  Methionine, DL-                 South Korea   13.60    3.01   221
       Saudi Arabia   62.40   17.72   275  Nepal       0.05    0.03   541  Thailand      5.44    1.20   220
       Argentina    57.41   22.73   447
       Sri Lanka    53.80   13.39   254  Methionine, L-                   Methyl acetoacetate
       Egypt        53.00   12.73   254  Sri Lanka     0.03    0.04   1,415  Netherlands   24.07   2.99   124
       UAE          48.00   11.38   240                                   Spain         20.02    4.30   215
       Nepal        43.53    9.33   217  Methocarbamol
       Russia       43.00    9.46   223  Egypt        18.00   16.44   913  Methyl aminophenol sulphate, para- (Metol)
       Lebanon      42.00    8.93   213  Mexico       18.00   24.34   1,352  Switzerland   0.13   0.32   2,551
       Philippines   36.00   17.34   482  Spain       16.00   25.63   1,602
       Uruguay      35.49   18.70   513  Colombia      9.50    9.52   1,125  Methyl anthranilate
       Guatemala    34.00   11.36   357  Vietnam       3.00    3.60   1,201  Spain      45.30   16.81   389
       Taiwan       34.00   11.41   343  Bangladesh    2.25    4.03   1,797  USA        12.00    4.14   342
       Spain        33.60    9.18   273  South Korea   1.04    1.58   1,516  Japan      12.00    5.08   423
       Israel       30.00    8.30   277                                   Mexico         4.20    1.78   425
       Cameroon     28.00    6.76   243  Methoxy-2-(3,5-dimethyl-4-methoxypyridine-2-yl)  Brazil   3.40   1.43   426
       Malaysia     24.20    6.69   268  methyl)thio-1H-benzimidazole, 5-   Netherlands   3.20   1.29   404
       Jordan       24.00    5.08   212  China        21.00   47.58   2,347  Indonesia   3.20    1.29   403
       Indonesia    22.00    7.02   320    Methoxy-2-methyl propyl) benzene, (3- (Centifo-  Malaysia   2.40   1.00   417
       Poland       18.00    5.30   294                                   Turkey         2.00    0.79   394
       Myanmar      13.00    3.13   241  lether)       1.33    2.48   1,866  France      1.20    0.50   414
       Nigeria      12.20    2.93   240  Singapore     0.57    1.03   1,811  China       0.30    0.13   436
       Vietnam      12.03    5.23   501                                   Argentina      0.20    0.09   432
       China        12.00    2.63   220  Methoxy-2-methylbenzoyl chloride, 3-
       Peru         11.25    3.26   290  Italy        24.00   58.91   2,454  Methyl benzoate
       Tunisia      10.00    5.19   519                                   USA           14.12    2.93   238
       Romania       9.00    4.84   538  Methoxy-2-naphthyl) propionic acid, 2-(6- (DL Acid)    Singapore   6.16   1.36   218
       Dominican Republic   7.00   1.50   214  Mexico   126.04   195.19   1,549  Spain   2.64    0.54   204
       Albania       7.00    3.14   448                                   China          1.32    0.32   240
       Kenya         6.00    1.42   318  Methoxy-2-phenylethane, 1-       Indonesia      0.88    0.21   240
       Venezuela     5.00    1.97   394  UAE           6.81    3.30   489
       Oman          3.00    1.07   357                                   Methyl butyrate
       Ghana         2.50    0.61   245  Methoxy-2-propanol, 1-           Spain          0.18    0.06   340
       Paraguay      2.00    0.81   407  Saudi Arabia   30.40   3.28   108
       Netherlands   1.40    0.60   426  South Africa   22.00   2.42   110  Methyl chavicol (Estragole)
       Costa Rica    0.70    0.39   556                                   Spain          1.20    2.54   2,113
       Colombia      0.50    0.23   457  Methoxy-3-methyl-1-butanol, 3-   USA            0.72    1.81   2,507
       Iraq          0.05    0.03   540  Singapore     1.48    0.59   401  France        0.40    0.94   2,356

       Chemical Weekly  December 24, 2024                                                              213

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